Objective: To improve the efficiency of the medical and diagnostic process, lower mortality, increase the lifespan
Basic tasks
- Ensuring efficient loading factor of expensive equipment
- Establishment of the expert center at the State Budget-funded Health Institution of the Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute («MONIKI») including remote consultations and double reading
- Generating the patient examination history and providing access to it to radiologists from other healthcare facilities
Results of project implementation
More than 200 diagnostic systems from different manufacturers at 63 structural subdivisions of 53 healthcare facilities of the region have been united in the unified information space
- More than 200,000 opinions were issued during the project implementation. The experts of the Institute submitted correcting conclusions in 36% of cases
- The equipment loading increased from 45% to 94%
- The examination waiting time reduced from 26 to 9 days
- The conclusion is received in not more than 24 hours
Arrangement of mammography screening basing on the Central PACS Archive of NIPK Electron Co. Saint Petersburg
Objective: To lower mortality/disability, improve the timeliness of revealing and treatment, optimize processes, analyze and control the equipment loading/efficiency of use, save budget funds
Basic tasks
- Uniting the mammography systems from different manufacturers (43 systems at 38 healthcare facilities of the region) in the unified information space
- Centralized collection and storage of medical data, i.e., pictures and primary examination protocols obtained from connected healthcare facilities taking into consideration narrowband communication channels
- Granting access to medical data and a possibility of double reading of screening examinations by the employees of the expert center
- Development of screening regulations
Process description
- The screening examination is performed using mammography systems located at healthcare facilities
- The examination findings are saved in local PACS of the healthcare facility
- The local PACS transfers automatically the examination findings to Saint Petersburg Central PACS Archive. In case of narrow communication channels or communication break, the PACS operates in the proxy mode, i.e., transfers data at the time of recovery or minimum loading of the channel
- A radiologist of the healthcare facility performs the primary analysis and the first reading of screening examinations
- When the examination findings are saved at the Saint Petersburg Central PACS Archive, they become available for an expert of the Saint Petersburg State Budget-funded Health Institution City Clinical Oncology Center generating the set of examinations and performing the double reading (making up of the second opinion)
- A radiologist of the healthcare facility sees the expert conclusion. If necessary, the patient is referred for an additional examination
- It allows revealing additionally more than 2% of breast cancer cases at stage 1 and 2 annually
- Potential annual budget economy: 2016: RUB 203.5 mio, 2017: RUB 260 mio
- Advanced professional training of the medical staff
Establishment of a tuberculosis diagnostic cluster. Vladimir Region
Objective: To lower mortality/public health hazards, ensure early diagnosis and treatment, optimize processes under conditions of staff deficiency, analyze and control the equipment load/ efficiency of use, save budget funds
Basic tasks
- Uniting the X-ray systems of tuberculosis departments of the cities of Vladimir, Kovrov, Murom in a unified information space based on the Tuberculosis Treatment Center
- Granting access to medical data to radiologists of regional departments
- Arrangement of remote consultations, second opinions
Results of project implementation
- The problem of qualified radiologists deficiency has been overcome due to the implementation of remote viewing and description of examinations by available radiologists
- Reduced tuberculosis-related mortality rates (2015 – 4.9; 2017 – 3.7 per 100,000 population)
- Decreased prevalence of tuberculosis (from 46.2 to 38 per 100,000population)
Arrangement of the patient’s unified diagnostic card. XXI Century Private Clinic
Objective: To improve the efficiency of the medical and diagnostic process and use of human resources
Basic tasks
- Uniting the X-ray and ultrasound systems of 14 geographically distributed branches in a unified information space
- Providing radiologists access to medical data from any automated workstation
- Arrangement of remote consultations/case conferences
Results of project implementation
- Territorial centralization of radiologists in the main building, which allowed optimizing and use more effectively the clinic resources
- Generation of the patient’s unified diagnostic card regardless of the place of visit. Rapid decision-making in difficult cases